Glastonbury Post-Nuptial Agreements Lawyer

The objective of a post-nuptial agreement is to establish the division of marital assets and spousal support in the event of divorce. This contract occurs once a couple gets married. If you and your spouse are looking to enter into this kind of marital contract, consult with a Glastonbury post-nuptial agreements lawyer.

A skilled attorney could also be of assistance if you are trying to enforce, or challenge a martial contract that already exists between you and your spouse. Speaking with a legal professional can be particularly important in these situations as post-nuptial agreements may be given stricter scrutiny under state law.

Reasons for Entering into a Post-Nuptial Agreement

A married couple may wish to enter into a post-nuptial agreement for a variety of reasons other than clarifying ownership of assets. A knowledgeable Glastonbury post-nuptial agreements attorney could help a couple create a fair agreement, depending on their reason for entering into one. Some of the most common reasons spouses may devise a post-nuptial contract may include:

Financial Concerns

It may be common for a spouse to incur substantial debt during a marriage. In such a case, a post-nuptial agreement can be effective in determining who may be responsible for the debt both during the marriage or after, should they divorce.

Multiple Marriages

A spouse who has previously been married may bring assets to their new marriage that they wish to preserve for the benefit of certain family members, such as children and grandchildren. A marital contract can establish that such resources remain under the sole ownership of one spouse during their marriage or upon divorce or death.


Should one spouse inherit a sizable sum of money during the marriage, an agreement can clarify how that money is to be used, such as whether it is to be co-mingled or kept separately.

Determining the Validity of an Agreement

For a marital agreement to be valid and enforceable, a couple must draft a post-nuptial contract in light of the following considerations:

  • The contract must be fair to both spouses
  • The agreement must accurately describe their plan for property division
  • It must be a signed written document
  • Each spouse must have agreed to enter into this contract voluntarily
  • There must be full and accurate disclosure of all assets, debts, and income existing at the time of entering into the contract

A Glastonbury lawyer with experience in post-nuptial agreements could help a couple draft a contract that meets these requirements. An attorney could also advise a couple on the issues they may not legally include in their contract, such as child support, custody, and visitation.

Contact a Glastonbury Post-Nuptial Agreements Attorney

Signing a post-nuptial agreement can offer many benefits in the event of a divorce or separation. However, it also can be a life-altering legal document that one should only enter into with full knowledge of its implications. A Glastonbury post-nuptial agreements lawyer could protect your interests and work to ensure that the contract is fair for both parties. To discuss your marital contract, call today.

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